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We at The Dancer Project believe dance is for EVERYONE. 


Through our Adult Community Collaborator program, we provide performing opportunities for both classical ballet and contemporary.

The price to perform is per project. The participation fee covers the cost of rehearsals, individual coaching, and custom costumes.

There are three opportunities within the season to perform.

New this season is a Adult Class Piece Performance performing excerpts from 'The Nutcracker'.

Full information can be found below.







At age 40, I decided to learn ballet. I had taken dance for a few years as a child, but hadn’t stepped inside a studio in decades. I tried various classes, but it wasn’t until I walked through the doors of The Dancer Project that I truly found my home as a dancer. I started taking ballet because I wanted more beauty in my life, and along the way I’ve found discipline, courage, focus, and a community of friends and encouragers. I’ve even performed en pointe in a full-length ballet production. And physically, I’m in the best shape of my life. None of it would have been possible without the leadership and vision of Jennifer Foster-Drake, The Dancer Project’s Artistic Director. She has created an environment where all welcome and supported, and The Dancer Project is one of the most inclusive and joy-filled communities I’ve ever been a part of. Her mission to make dance accessible and available for anyone who wants to participate is revolutionary. I’m proud to #jointhepursuit!

Alexa Hulsey

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